Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aurora borealis

Aurora borealis (also called Northern lights). Already the sound of these two words are pure magic for me. Imagine parts of the sky glowing in - mostly - green light. Its form changing constantly. Sometimes the light is very bright with sharp edges, sometimes it's blurry. I usually go 'hunting' for them when I have the chance.

Since I arrived back home a few nights should have been good. There was only one problem: clouds. Every single time. Through facebook I joined a group alerting each other when the saw lights or chances were good.

Tonight was another alert. The sky was clear at -16C. I managed to convince my wife to join me in the search. The first few stops were not promising. Clear sky but no Northern lights, typical. So we went on to the next place. While driving there my wife saw some green light. I couldn't wait to park the car somewhere and get out. Fifteen kilometers Northeast of town into the middle of nowhere we finally found the perfect spot. What better way of telling what I saw than sharing a few shots:

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